Thursday, December 10, 2009

A Letter

August 12
Dear Mike,
I`m glad to hear that you will come. We haven`t met together for a long time. How are you?
I`m happy and busy recently. I practice my piano two hours every day and there are many kinds of music lessons arranged. All this week is Mozart Festival. We `ll have a Mozart Piano Concert at 8:00 p.m. on 6th,Tuesday, Wednesday 3:00-5:00, Orchestra Rehearsal, Thursday 8:00 p.m. Mozart with Moscow Chamber Orchestra, and on Saturday(the 10th) 3:00p.m. there is a 17th Century Music. Welcome to join us!
Best wishes.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

What I Am Thankful f For ?

I immigrated to the United States from China 11 years ago. Living in the country with liberty and justice I feel happy and peaceful. I had had a part-time work for 10 years. Last year I retired. Then I have more time to enjoy my life, doing exercises, going on travels and studying what I am interested in. To my great joy, this autumn I entered this Adult School to study English again. Our teacher, Wr.Coburn, is a wonderful teacher. He is so kind and patient. His classes are always active and interesting. I have learned a lot of things and have a good time in my English class every morning. I thank God for my life. I`m so thankful for everything he gives me!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

My Holiday

Yesterday is Veteran's Day. In the morning I stayed at home, listening to the radio and watching TV. I was glad to see how people celebrated this holiday and how they honored the veterans. In the afternoon I went to see a film, named "Limi`s Quest". It`s one of the famous films in China. LImi is a young Taxi driver. She experienced love, adventure,and deep sadness. Her boyfriend died after she had been waiting for him for four years. But she stood up at last. I like the film and the wonderful actors. I had good time in this holiday. I felt happy and relaxed.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

My Favourite Music

I like classical music best, for example,"Piano Concerto No.1" by Tchaikovsky. Whenever I hear it`s soft and gentle tones,the scene of a wide beautiful field appears in front of me, and I feel quiet and peaceful. Also, Beethoven`s symphony "Fate", it`s tragic and moving melody touches me deeply.
I like classical music. It makes people pure and noble in the soul.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Some Advice

Hey Kenji! I`m so sorry to hear that you have broken up with your girl friend, Kathy. Nothing is easy in life. No pains, no gains. Now you should try your best to make up your mistake.Say sorry to Kathy, and show her your love. Let her understand you still love her deeply. You have to be patient, waiting for her excuse.
I think, perseverance means success. May you be lucky!

Meixi Chen

Thursday, October 22, 2009

On Patience

Yesterday we talked about "9 trails of a good person". These nine personal qualities are all important in a person. Now I`m going to say something about Patience. I like the verse very much that begins with "Love is patient. . ." People always have lots of troubles in life, which are inevitable. When we come up against any problems, we need patience. We have to adopt a healthy attitude toward them and work together to resolve them. In this way we avoid more troubles, even if serious ones, and we are able to keep happy and peaceful. Patience dissolves problems in life. It is very important for a good relationship. I think all of us have to learn to be patient.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

On Relationships

Love and Respect is the general rule for better relationship,which promotes confidence and solutes contradiction. If we love and respect people around us,wherever we are, in families, at school, with neighbors..., good conditions will be created. People will be getting well with one another. Life will be better and happier. We will work harder and produce more products... .
We enjoy the freedom and liberty. Thanks to the creator who gives us everything we need. We have to make better relationship around us , to follow the constitution and try our best to be good citizens. .

Thursday, October 1, 2009

A serious ILLness and Injury

Thirty years ago when my daugher Ying was only two years old. Once she was playing with her tools in the room. . Suddenly she caught up with a thermos bottle and pulled it. . The bottle broke down and the hot water [nearly 100 degree C!] rushed out. Ying`s foot was burned and the water vacuoles came out immidiatelly. Ying burst into crying. I sent her to a hospitle nearby at once. The doctor chopped those vacuoles using a needle and let the water out. Then he wrapped the wound... A few days later, the wound was getting well.
I has been remembering this lesson since then. I often tell my younger friends : Be careful ! Don`t put dangerous thing in the place where children can reach.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

On Reading

I like reading. Reading is very important. We can learn and memorize more vocabularies if we read often. We practice and understand how to express by reading again and again.
Today I borrowed a book named [Martin Luther King]. He is one of the greatest Americans in the .history. Where did he come from? How did he grow up? What did he do for the people in his short life? Why did so many people love him? I look forward to reading this book. I believe that after reading I`ll Know better about Martin Luther King and his DREAM.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

The American Dream

Helen Wang, one of my friends, she was unable to go to collage in China at that time . In 1980`s she came to the U.S.A, when she was 28 years old. She wanted to be a nurse. She studied English hard from the beginning while she took care of old ladies to make money. Step by step, after ten years of hard working,... Now she is an advanced nurse ,serving in a big hospital in Arcadia.
Her husband was her team made(working together with her) in the countryside in China at that time. He is now an accounter in a company. Their son graduated from a university a few years ago, and he have been married. Helen now lived a happy life with her family. She has accomplished her dream.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

I`m so glad....

I`m so glad that I have my own BLOG now. I`ll use it later, because class is over.